Monday, January 28, 2013

Move That Vise !!

MOVE THAT VISE !!! ... It could mean more years for your machine tool.

It seems the simpler, often overlooked things can be the downfall of most shop equipment. Focusing on a few simple ideas can avoid those big repair bills and keep machine tools running like new much longer.

When most setups are done on a VMC, the workholding fixture is neatly mounted right in the middle of the table. Although it looks good, this is actually one of the worst "habits" for the machine. Locating the vise or fixture in the same place has the following harmful effects on the life of the machine:

  • Table wear, resulting in dip or sag in one spot.
  • Boxway or guideway wear on or around the spot, causing loose surface and gib contact, and shuck in the ways.
  • Ball screw wear, resulting in excessive backlash in that one area of the screw, which cannot be repaired through CNC compensation.

Of course you're going to clean the 
table completely before installing the vise.

Then are you going to place the vise so
it looks nice and neat in the center of the table?
NO !!!

Placing the vise or fixture in or around the same area of the machine table will cause all of the above, with the most common symptom over time being backlash of the screw. When trying to compensate and set the backlash, the person making the repair will often find different backlash values when checking along the length of the axis stroke. This most often results in the need to replace the whole ball screw. Because most CNC machine controls only permit one backlash compensation value to be set in the parameters, compensating for the backlash cannot be effectively performed through the control.

You also may find that the gibs need to be adjusted in that area of the boxway, because the axis has some side-toside movement to it when moving. Squareness in that area will disintegrate; and, in the worst case, this shucking can be heard when the axis changes direction. The most common remedy of adjusting the gib in that area causes the axis to bind when it reveals to the other areas, because the boxway wear is different along the stroke. In this repair, the machine's boxways may need to be reground, rescraped or both. In either of these cases, the repair bill will be huge.

The remedy is to make sure to move the vise or fixture location around on the tabletop whenever possible. You will see a more consistent wear pattern for the machine, and any backlash that occurs can be taken up correctly through the control. You will not be able to stop machine wear, but you can distribute it more evenly along the machine, which provides a longer life for all the components involved.

Happy Chip Making !!

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Monday, January 14, 2013

A Homemade Bar Puller for Your CNC Lathe

We first published this tip a few years ago ... and it has become so popular and copied on many other sites and in many trade journals ... that we decided to help it live on forever by re-publishing here in our blog.

Enjoy ... and profit from this simple yet super efficient plan.


One of the best ways to add efficiency to your CNC lathe is to make it run unattended. Using a bar feeder or a simple bar-puller, you can make your lathe run in a more complete AUTO cycle, stopping only for the refilling of the stock and minor offset adjustments. In this article, we'll share a simple but efficient design for a bar-puller and show you a programming example of how to put it to use.

Granted, a little work is required but when put to the right use, unattended operation can really help your bottom line. For example, how about being able to leave the shop at 5:00 and still have your lathe running producing another 50-60 parts while you're home eating dinner. Or for the one man shop, how about having production being run while your on the phone getting that next deal. With the right combination of cutting conditions and unattended operation, there's no telling where you can go.

The idea behind this bar-puller is to fill the spindle with a bar length of material, then using an auto cycle perform the following sequence :

  • Grab the stock with the puller
  • Open the chuck
  • Pull the stock to the desired length
  • Close the chuck
  • Retract the puller
  • Machine the part
  • Cut-Off the part

Then simply repeat the cycle again, the number of times for repeat depends on the number of parts that can be made using the length of bar stock in the spindle.

To create your bar-puller feature, you'll need a couple of other items other than the bar puller to be outlined here.

First, you'll need to cut the bar stock the length of your spindle so the stock can be slid inside your spindle and pulled by the bar puller through the chuck or collett nose in the front. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER hang any size stock outside the end of the spindle - all stock must fit inside the spindle housing and be supported with spindle liners or a support ring as outlined below.

Since the difference between the stock OD and the spindle ID is usually pretty big, you can't just put the stock in the spindle. It must be supported in the spindle to prevent the stock from rattling around. This can be done with commercially purchased spindle liners or you can make a simple spindle liner ring using the design and concept outlined here. Please note that these liners take up the "slop" between the stock size and the ID of the spindle and must be used to prevent possible whip or damage to the spindle bearings or other possible injury.

One method is to make a ring out of plastic or similar material that attaches to the end of the stock with a set screw. The OD of the ring fits snuggly into the spindle ID and the ID of the ring attaches to the OD of the stock. This ring will move along the inside of the spindle along with the stock as it gets pulled toward the chuck. Calculate the number of cycles so this ring will reach the end of it's possible stroke as the max count is reached.

Now the homemade bar puller needs to be made. The concept behind this puller is that you can make the size required as needed for the size material you are currently working with. You can make a few at a time, leaving some finishing operations until the ID size is determined. This way you'll have maybe 70% of the puller made then you can simply finish the rest when the time approaches and the final sizes are determined.

The bar puller uses a "split" piece of aluminum or other material softer than the material you will be machining. It uses simply a piece of bar or tube that is machined with the OD to fit into an ID tool holder station in the turret, and the ID slightly smaller than the OD of the stock. You may need to turn down the front end as per the sketch below to maintain a wall thickness that is thin enough to slide over the stock when split yet strong enough to pull the bar, depending on the weight of the bar stock determined by the diameter of the stock. The puller is then split in two or three or more places using a hack saw or slitting saw and an O-Ring placed on the OD of the puller to keep the tension. This allows for the puller to split and feed over the bar stock with the O-Ring providing tension to pull the stock and for the puller to return to it's original shape when done.

In the program, the puller is mounted in the turret, in our example Tool #3. Then in the CNC programs AUTO cycle, it is fed over the bar stock, the chuck opened, the turret moved to position taking the stock with it, the chuck closed, and the machining begun.</P><P>In the example below, we are simulating a Fanuc series 10T or higher CNC control. Your M functions may be different, please consult your programming manual for your specific commands. Use this program as a guide, not a bible. The X0 is the center line and Z0 for this tool is set at the face of the stock as it sticks out of the chuck after cut off.

N0001 --------------- sequence number for this operation
M05 ----------------- make sure the spindle is stopped
G00 T0303 ---------- index to the bar puller station
G00 X0 Z.200 ------- rapid to a clearance point
G98 ----------------- change feed to IPM
G01 Z-.750 F20.0 --- feed onto the stock
M11 ----------------- open the chuck
G01 Z2.000 ----------feed to needed length plane
M10 ----------------- close the chuck
G01 Z3.500 ---------- feed off the stock
G00 X8.00 Z8.00 ---- rapid to index position
T0300 --------------- cancel the tool offset
G99 ------------------ return feed to IPR
M01 ----------------- optional stop

This sequence should be placed at either the top or bottom of the machining program. The best way to put the AUTO cycle into use is with the use of sub-programming. The MAIN program would be the call for the machining program including the number of times to call the program depending on the number of pieces you can make from the length of bar stock in the spindle. The SUB program would actually do the pulling and the machining. For example, in the example below, program O0001 is the MAIN program, calling the SUB program O1111 - 12 times, which actually does the pulling and the machining.

O0001 ------------ Main Program
M98 P1111 L12 -- sub program call
M30 --------------- program end
O1111 ------------- Sub Program
N0001 ------------- Bar pull sequence
N0002 ------------- machine the part
N0003 ------------- cut off
M99 --------------- sub program end

In the above example, the operator only presses the Cycle Start on the MAIN program. This starts a 12 piece cycle that will include the pulling out of the stock, the machining of the part, and the cut off of the part. Recalling and executing the cycle 12 times.

Happy Chip Making !!

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Roughing Canned Cycle in Turning - Part 2

This post is continuing with the important feature of programming canned cycles for rough turning. In Part 1 we discussed the general outline, format and command lines for the cycles ... in Part 2 we want to illustrate some examples using Fanuc ( and therefore Haas ) programming that hopefully we give an even clearer picture of the uses and commands for these cycles. We do have some Okuma Programming Notes at the bottom of this post.

The examples will use the same shape ... but will illustrate the to main Fanuc cycles for bar stock roughing ... G71 -Turning and G72 - Facing.

G71 will produce a cutting motion along the Z axis ... generally referred to as a turning motion. The G72 cycle will produce a cutting motion along the X axis ... or a facing type motion.

The way we position our Points A - B - C will also determine the motion as illustrated below. The general rule of thumb is to describe the cutting motion through the finish contour code in a motion that moves from A to B along the contour to C. This description will assist you in placing Points A - B - C in their correct location in relation to the part and the contour.


Example #1 : 
OD Cutting Along the Z axis - Turning
(1) First we established our points A - B - C and using a clearance amount of .100 in X and .050 in Z.
(2) In our program ... the first step is to rapid to point A ... N1000 = our P call in the canned cycle block.
(3) Then command the Canned Cycle Call
(4) Then rapid to point B and proceed around the part contour to point C ... N1100 = our Q call in the canned cycle block.



Example #2 :
OD Cutting Along the X Axis - Facing

By re-arranging Points A - B - C ... and using the G72 cycle ... we can change the cutting direction from turning to facing. The basics of the format and steps in the program are the same ... move from A to B along the contour to C ... and this will help us position Points A - B - C.



Example #3 :
ID Rough Cutting Along the Z Axis Turning

Now let's turn things to focus on ID cutting. Again ... the same procedures and rules apply ... flip Points A - B - C to reflect cutting the ID rather than the OD. The same rule applies ... move from A to B along the contour to C.



Example #4 :
ID Rough Cutting Along the X Axis - Facing

And again ... by re-positioning Points A - B - C and using G72 ... we can perform the rough cutting using cutting from the centerline out in a facing motion.



Okuma Programming Notes :

Okuma OSP controls refer to the cycles as illustrated above as LAP cycles. The format and use is pretty basically the same as described for Fanuc / Haas controls with some modifications. If you can understand the outlines above ... the notes below should get you through the differences between the Fanuc / Haas format and that required by OSP controls.

  1. For motion for both turning and facing ... command a G85 as the canned cycle command. The variables in the G85 line are outlined in Part 1 of this series.
  2. On the line immediately following the G85 call ... command a G81 for turning or G82 for facing. This G code should appear on a line by itself with no other code on the line.
  3. The N number command on the G85 line should refer to the N number of the line where the G81 / G82 is commanded.
  4. At the end of the sequence that describes the finish contour ... command a G80 on a line by itself to signify the end of the finish profile sequence.

The Fanuc / Haas code from example #1 above has been transposed for the Okuma OSP format below :

G85 N1000 U0.01 W0.01 D0.1 F0.012
N1000 G81


They say a picture is worth a thousand words ... hopefully the illustrations here will help you solidify your programming of these powerful and important canned cycles.

If anyone notices any errors in this post ... please leave a Comment below and straighten it out ... to benefit anyone stopping by ... and Thanks in advance.

Happy Chip Making in 2013 !!

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