Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Product Introduction : ID Clamps

Every once in a while we like to bring attention for our readers to new and innovative machining and workholding products and process that we feel are beneficial to our readers. Such is the case in the Making Chips post as we focus and bring attention to a new workholding clamp from Carr Lane Manufacturing - a leading supplier of workholding and fixture components.

Additional information and specs on the Carr Lane ID Clamps are available on their website through this link : CARR LANE MANUFACTURING

Carr Lane ID Clamps - A Brief Outline

Many of you will undoubtedly be familiar with expanding mandrels ... most commonly used to grip on the ID when turning on the OD. The new Carr Lane ID CLAMPS bring that concept to locating and workholding for milling fixtures. As the image below illustrates ... the ID CLAMP is similar to the expanding mandrel technique where the id CLAMP expands and clamps on the ID of a workpiece, leaving the outside free for machining.  Tightening the tapered center screw with a hex wrench pushes the clamping segments outward, and slightly downward, to exert force on the workpiece's internal bore. These clamps are designed to have their outside diameter finish machined by the customer to suit the bore size, because maximum diameter expansion is limited.

The flange diameter on the ID CLAMP is a machined to a close tolerance ... which allows for maximum locational accuracy. A recess can be machined in the fixture base to fit exactly with the clamp's close-tolerance flange diameter and the ID CLAMP can be mounted using flat-head mounting screws.

In the image to the right ... you can see how the larger ID is used for locating as well as clamping ... and a smaller ID CLAMP is used in the slot to provide additional locating and holding force. With this type of set-up, the entire outside contour is available for machining.

This set-up also illustrates the fact that these ID clamps need not be confined to round holes ... they can be utilized in almost an unlimited number of ID clamping roles ... use that machinist mind and explore !!

We are always on the look-out for new and innovative machining processes ... techniques .... and workholding tips. If you see one which you think would be of interest to our followers of professional machinists and engineers ... please drop us a line at Sales at

Until next time ... Happy Chip Making !!

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