Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Don't Just Fill Your Oils ...

... Track Them ?

Why? I'm glad you asked !!

Did you know that filling your way lube tank can tell you a story about your machine's performance. It can, if you use the information to your advantage. How?

The best way is to make an oil fill reminder form and post it on the machine. Each time oil, any type of oil, is added to the machine, have the operator jot down the following:

  • Type of oil added
  • Date and Time the oil was added
  • Amount of oil added
  • On a turning center, when the chuck was greased

This data can be used for the following :

Type Of Oil : this tells you which oil tank might be giving you trouble. If you're filling the hydraulic tank (a closed system) - WHY and WHERE is the oil leaking from. Low hydraulic oil could result in a loss of pressure and perhaps an un-chucking of a part being machined with catastrophic results. If you're replacing way-lube (which you should), what kind of schedule are you on. This list should show a difference in the frequency of the filling which will easily and early show a way-lube system problem and head-off major repairs.

Date and Time the oil was added : this info gives you a clear view of the filling schedule. Again, not filling the way-lube tank, for example, will be easily seen and catastrophe can be averted.

Amount of oil added : as above, this info gives you a clear schedule of the filling schedule. Filling the way lube tank once every two days instead of once every three days will show up and might signal a line break or other problem that can easily be spotted and repaired in time.

As with everything in life, the info gathered is only as good as the person viewing it. Teach you operators to be hands-on people and to pay attention to this list, perhaps every morning with the machine start-up. Simple ideas like this TIP can help extend your machine's life and cut down dramatically on your machine's down time and repair bills.

Live Long ... and Make Chips !!

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