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Monday, February 24, 2014

Index of Some of Our Most Popular Tips and Tricks

As we continue to create and add TIPS to this Making Chips blog ... it also becomes quite a bit more difficult to review, search and find the information contained here. And there's a lot of good stuff buried in here. So every once in a while we like to take a post and create sort of an INDEX or review of some of our most popular tips. Kind of a way to give you another opportunity to check them out in case you missed them in the first go-around.

Below is a short list of the Tips that have gotten the most reviews over the past year or so ... enjoy.

Move That Vise !!
A short article on why your placement of your vise on your machine table can be so critical.

A Homemade Bar Puller for Your CNC Lathe
This tip always gets tons of visitors ... simple yet effective idea for creating a bar puller for your CNC lathe.

The How's and Why's of Sub-Programming
Our short training article on the effective uses of sub-programming.

Cutter Compensation ... A Programmers Best Friend
Tips tricks and info on programming cutter compensation.

Your Way Lube System ... Friend or Foe?
Information everyone should know about your CNC's automatic way lube system.

Macro Programming Series ... Part #1
This is Part #1 of our 10 part series on Fanuc Macro B programming ... check it out. It has gotten some great review.

Machine Warm-Up Routine ... Why? When? How?
Some great tips and info on keeping your machine running smooth and accurate.

Of course Making Chips contain tons of other articles ... but the above have been the most popular over the past months. We invite you to use the SEARCH bar in the right toolbar and search for things that you are interested in ... perhaps we have a Tip that can lend some insight. If not ... please check back again. We add new Tips and Tricks about every two weeks.

Until Next Time ... Happy Chip Making !!

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